Sunday, September 8, 2013

What Happened to Your Hand?

Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely

Psalm 67:7-8 NLT

At first I'm thinking, this doesn't apply today but after a little while it did. It reminds me of why I quit attending church. God is my helper, I used to rely on church and not God.  I would be angry with church and not God. I would praise God at church and found it interesting to praise him outside the walls. I found myself looking for a church to fit my needs, when God already did. I found very little real relationships and more surfacey due to the lack of time there. My ADD I couldn't pay attention during the message, which is why I got involved behind the scenes. Then  I feel alone, and the fact the spirit is my helper, I can sing for joy. I have to remember that Jesus didn't start a church, we did. Their a bunch of clubs that I try to fit into. Something just isn't right. I believe some are called, but others are called elsewhere. I'm reminded of the photo entitled "what happened to you're hand?" It's an honest picture of Jesus in a garden with children. He's loving them, and they feel safe. Theirs no steeple, there's no building, they are just loving him and feeling loved.

Hits me, God's got me, he's my helper, he brings people into my life that I respect and me into theirs. He's always knocking on me about things and challenging me with my fears and faith.

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