Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An Old Dog, teaching new tricks

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

I want this call this one, "teaching an old dog, new tricks" why? Because I get stuck in my old tricks. Doing things the same way gets confused with a consistent routine. Sip some coffee, I read and think. I keep on seeing and old dog in this. Don't teach me anything new. Don't tell me things I already know. Leave me alone. Sure I'm a christian, now leave me alone. Let me blend into the wall. Let me study God. Don't tell me what to do. How often have I lived in my past. Instead of letting old things pass away, I let them dictated my life. This new creation thing, seems like too much to handle, so why embrace it? why live in it? It's the hurt heart that keeps me back from living in freedom. I've lived as a christian for most of my life and stuck in fear of the new creation. It's like on karate kid, when Daniel had to re learn karate and he hated it. As a viewer, I enjoyed watching these new tricks. If I were in Daniels shoes, would I have reacted the same way? Yes. I would be leary that washing a car and sanding a floor would get me anywhere. In that case it was an old dog, teaching new tricks. It's what I call the old school way, that helps me to get back with God. I better change this title.

Hits me, I feel like an old dog, that has to teach myself new tricks of this new creation the old fashion way. It doesn't matter, sometimes it's following a simple routine, finshing the job, getting it done right, being honest. With so much dishonesty, the old tricks, seem new. Living as a new creation, knowing that old things HAVE passed away. Thats not easy, it's a new trick I'm learning.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Coping Fortress

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.

Proverbs 18:10 NLT

At first I'm thinking, Godly? I am considered godly? Sip some coffee, I read and think. I read this wrong again. I keep reading it as the Lord is a strong fortress and not the name of the Lord. Run to Him and be safe. The name and run. I find, I'm in a day and era of acknowledgement and humility. i can acknowledge anyone on facebook, tag them, get notifications. When it comes to God, I fear. He's my strong fortress. I don't run to him until later at times. But why? Because I don't want to get hurt again, and usually running to Him, means pain and growth. I want this life to be easy. I think of all the bible stories out there and 90% were in fear. God kept saying "do not fear". I keep on thinking "strong fortress" but fail to see it's his name. I make my own fortress and it's pretty week. You won't hear "the name" on the news, they can't say it. Yet it's the person's name I credit. He touches the heart and freaks me out. My heart has been hardened, it's been broken, I have only one. Whenever i humble myself and credit God, I am opening my broken and wounded heart. That hurts. My coping nature isn't to run to him and be safe.

Hits me, with the name of God come's the strong fortress. Yet I attempt to build my own. I can't do it without Him.