Sunday, February 24, 2013

The sun'll come out tomorrow - Annie

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

At first I'm thinking, I've read this verse before. Then as I read it again, I can't believe the truth I see in this. Sip some coffee, I read and think. I'm reminded of Annie the movie. I tried showing it to Shayne an she loves it, she mainly likes it because of Sandy the dog but likes the girls bonding too. "The sun  will come out tomorrow, you bet your bottom dollars that tomorrow, they'll be sun." Living in Phoenix, we hope for rain and clouds, because 90% of the time it's sun.  But here Annie, is dropped off by her parents at the age of 1 and told that they'll be back. Now its been 10 years and all she has is this locket. Miss Hannigen was made aware early on that her parents were killed in a car wreck a few years after she was dropped off and decided not to inform Annie. Annie, unbeknownst to her friends, remains positive and courageous. Annie was simply waiting for her parents, she had no idea that big Walstreet giant Oliver Warbucks would be coming to seek out an orphan to improve his image. It's amazing how many songs are stuck in my head from this movie. But how many times have I not felt strong or courageous, I'm not one to be afraid or panic. I've always had a faith that God would take care of me. But really, when I get down to it, am I believing? did I really hear Him tell me, and did I listen? Annie was the leader of the orphans, she gave them hope, even though she was unaware of her own future. Even when Grace Ferrell comes for an orphan, Annie has no fear and motions her, to pick her. Whats nuts to me, is that, this was in the era of the great depression. A bad time for everyone. Annie kept strong. Sure enough she was adopted by one of the wealthiest men in the world. She had no idea that was coming.

Hits me, in Phoenix I know the sun will come out tomorrow. But really, will it come out in my heart? will I be strong and courageous like Annie was? Sure I can read this and say "great verse, why isn't my situation changing?" Or I can believe that God has my back and says, "i will not abandon you". It's never in my timing, but always in His.

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