Monday, August 13, 2018

My Garage from Hell to Healing

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation - so why should i be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should i tremble.

I just saw this scripture today and i thought it fit my story well.
For the past few years, my garage has been a place to store my archives, dvds, video equipment and some tools. I've never really cleaned it, but made it the best I could for the moment. The only task I had was to get rid of stuff and just shut the doors. That is until recently, I found myself needing to be in it, no lights on, just standing in the dark. I put my Cobra Kai on to help me focus and I stood there in the dark and just let whatever hit me. This has been hell in my marriage, not a pretty place to be. The video business didn't sit well in our house, but became a swear word. As episode 5 played and Daniel Larusso goes to Mr. Mayagi's tombstone to seek some advice, it hit me what I was doing in there. When Karate Kid came out, I had just started in 5th grade at Hopi, wow was that hard. So hard, that i picked up dads video camera and starting playing with it as an escape to the rejection I faced. As tears ran down my cheeks i began pacing the garage and seeing thankyou notes and photos from gigs I had done. I don't know why i was sobbing. Daniel had a rough time changing schools and Mr. Meyagi was there for him. As I stood there in the dark listening to Cobra Kai, Mr. Meyagi told daniel at a young age to find his center again. Daniel then cleaned out his dojo to rediscover his center. It was like God telling me, this is when I wanted you to get into video, when you were broken. This is not hell in here like I've come to believe it to be, it was your healing back then and it still is now, it was my light. This ugly messy dirty garage. Then i saw my first edit machine upside down on the ground a few feet ahead of me. That's the little mixer that I got for Christmas 30 years ago. I didn't want to leave like I had before. Everyone gave me a hard time doing it, but I didn't care because i knew i could grow in it. I knew I was terrible. He protected me from getting into trouble with this. Hell i still did but I know its how God made me, i am who I am. God knows my heart and how i need to heal, He's my healing and brought me to a place I thought was hell.

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