Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Because she's got it comin' to her; and I *don't* mean 'a week in the lap of luxury'! - Miss Hannigan

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23:6 NLT

I never thought about it that way. Love pursuing me. Usually I'm trying to love someone. Sip some coffee, I read and think. I have to remember that God "so loved" the world. Love is a powerful thing, its not what I've made it into. I can't love someone based on their performance. I often think God loves me based on my performance. He doesn't, he loves me because I'm His child. With credibility being so important in this day and age, this love thing has gone into performance mode and not stayed where it should. Bad news travels fast. Good news doesn't. it's so easy to think that God views me the way society threatens me. I'm reminded of Annie again. How when she saw this opportunity to get out of the orphanage, Miss Hannigan wouldn't let her. She said "Because she's got it comin' to her; and I *don't* mean 'a week in the lap of luxury'!" I'm amazed of how in fear I have lived at times due to what I've done. Then when I'm going to be blessed I either jump at it or just don't accept it. Annie referred to the orphanage as a tomb where she'd sit and freeze. How many times have lived in a tomb? I admit I've been hopeful, that I would get out of the tomb, I was currently in. God pursued me, and he continues to. I find myself going in and out of the house of the lord all the time. I don't dwell in there like I should. Even Annie, when she got to the mansion thought she had to join the crew. Yet they said, don't worry about it. How many times have I felt like I still need to save myself when I've already been saved. Annie finally accepted that she didn't need to do anything and lived in that. Why can't I just live in God and let Him live in me? In reality we're all like that in one way or another. Making life too hard. And then there are moments when I just give up and keep walking. That's when God thanks me for letting him in.

Hits me, Miss Hannigan wanted Annie to get what she deserved, she didn't want her to have a luxurious life. She wanted her to suffer. Annie kept positive and kept thinking about tomorrow. I was an orphan before God adopted me as his child, and now I need to strive to accept his love and not by my performance but how He's see's me.

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