Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Foolish Praying

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.
Psalm 17:6 NLT

I'm not sure what to think of this one, maybe because I don't pray like that sometimes. I don't pray knowing He'll answer. I've been saved for a while, how many of those prayers have just been prayers? and how many time have i not, told God to listen to me, simply because I knew he was already? I slept ok, Susan and I were able to watch a movie after Shayne went to bed. Thats crazy, we didn't finish it but man, that's cool that we were actually able to watch something, we haven't done that probably in a year.

I've been trying Dunkin Donuts coffee, its ok, but I miss my starbucks, they just aren't on sale yet. Sip some coffee, I read and think. Prayer is a powerful thing, then why do I seldomly mean it when I pray. It's like a politician just saying words that work good together, he doesn't know if anything will work, and either do the people he's talking too, yet they cheer. I've heard men pray with passion, with power, with great sounding words, with healing, with fear, with logic, with lengthy words. I remember being in church as a young boy, and when the pastoral prayer came up, it was a contest who could keep their eyes closed the whole time and not move while they kneeled. Then there was the laying on of the hands after baptism. I didn't quite get that one. Why didn't we do that all the time, why only during certain occasions? I had a technician tell me once, he called that a super prayer. Yet God hears our grownings, he doesn't need words. I've prayed before thousands of meals, before road trips, before most videos, before opeating camera, interviews, business meetings, my first date with my wife, healing for people, my families health, my friends to get jobs, to pay bills. I knew God would answer in his time.  I don't think about it alot, because I think, I know I don't have control over Him, simply because he wants control over me. I find myself being fake with God, following the rules of a christian, my wife is real with God. I can see her praying just like David does here. I'm more logical, I say "well, God lives inside me, he doesn't need to bend down and listen". That's not the point, he wants me to tell him really how I feel, not with logic. With Nathan language, pray to him. Am I willing to, or am I afraid He'll be offended because I'm not being logical?  Hits me, This scripture isn't just words, its permission, its instruction on how talk to God, its not a thought, David spoke like this and it wasn't bad. In order for me to feel really free in Him, I need put it all out there, even if I'm afraid of it. If I can put my thoughts out for the world to see, why should God be any different, He's the one that really knows me, who am I fooling?

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