Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Little things make a Big Difference

“For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” 1 Peter 1:18-19 NLT

At first I'm not sure what to think, the precious blood of Christ has always confused me. I'm tired this morning, Shaynes got allergies again so I'll get her in the doctor today (she's slightly weezing) if I can. I slept ok, dry mouth because of the AC last night. I have new coffee maker now, we'll see how long this ones lasts. Sip some coffee, I read and think. I'm reminded of the little things in life. The things that make me laugh, make me cry, make me mad. I'm amazed of how much they impact my day. My wife can tell when something's on my mind, and laughs a bit when I tell her and how random it is. I'm also reminded of Froto again in Lord of the Rings, mainly at the end of Return of the King, when he's trying to get up the hill. Sam says his famous line. I can't carry the ring but I can carry you". Then I'm reminded of a men's retreat I was videographer at this last weekend. 458 men gathered from from two dozen churches around the valley at Lost Canyon. Again for the same reason, a little thing. Then there's Sea Biscuit, little orphan Annie, chicken little. The sun'll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, their be sun. I thought it would be gold or silver to pay a ransom but no, it was blood. I started the highlights video out this weekend with an excerpt from our main speakers session. It was statics about dads in our country, how it's lacking that. That little thing us guys get so distracted from. Being a dad, you'd think it be second nature. I keep on thinking that this christian life is empty and leaves me alone from the world, when its because of Christ blood that freed me from what I thought wasn't necessary to deal with. The life I thought is empty is actually full of life and the grass I think is always greener is actually computer graphics and fake and photoshopped. Hits me, in every era, eternal life is seen in the smallest things, it was a horse and an orphan in the great depression, back in Jesus times it was Him, in this days an age it's us seeing the need to be ok with pursuing your Lord, kids and family. God's going to be knocking on my heart forever on ways to surrender, He'll show me things that I need to give up and confess. In return of the King, it was frotos task to get rid of the ring, but his fellowship was behind him. I can't live this life without my brothers, for some reason I get tempted to think that I can. This life is not about what my beliefs are, its about who I'm living for, it's about me not passing up the little things that make such a dent in my lifestyle. I can feel it with gold and silver (hey I need to make a good life for family). But if they never see me, what's the point? I can't blame my ancesters for my mistakes but look to the one who saved me. I have to remember that God didn't use a sinner to free sinners because only a sinless man could free me, someone I would have never thought.

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