Thursday, April 5, 2012

Living in Black and White

“Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NLT

I'm thinking of the denial that I don't realize that I live in and the fears that I don't realize that I have. Didn't sleep well, Shayne was tossing and turning all night. Mommy had her for the beginning, then I took over at the end. It's looking like a long day. She's sleeping fine now an hour ago. Sip some coffee, I read and think. I'm reminded of Pleasantville, I watched this movie way back when it came out, and watched it again last night. Pleasantville's a movie about two teenagers in the 90's that find themselves in a 1950's sitcom where there influence begins to profoundly change its world. Everyone in this town was very deprived of anything beyond it. The biggest thing fround upon was being yourself and who you were meant to be. Exploring the world around you. It made me think entirely of life without God. Just how much I think I need to be at times, yet God and his word want to me to just be who I am. During the movie, as more and more people begin to allow themselves to go where they don't know, everything starts to be in color. I'm amazed of how my fears of God's love hold me back. In the movie, the society was all about the american dream about mans role and what the woman's role is.  When George Parker gets home from work and his wife's not there nore is dinner on the table, the town board is notified. Everyone is very concerned that things are changing. What is my old life? Am I afraid to leave it? I read and think. I find my life without Christ being in Black and White. I knew no different, until I experienced Him in the way that He saw fit, did I begin seeing things in color. It was a process and still is. There are times these days where I want to see black and white. When I fall. Hits me, David and his sister Jennifer were battling over ther tv remote and then got sucked in. All they wanted to do was get back. David knew the episodes and about the characters and insisted that they go with the flow. Jennifer disagreed and later David followed. They ended up in court due to all the changes that had happened. The town board just didn't want things to change that they couldn't control. I've always encourged people to be real, who cares what people think. Christ didn't care, why should I. If I want someones opinion I'll ask for it.  I'm going to fight my old life for the rest of my life, but with Christ's life in me, I'll know how to see life through His eyes and in full color instead old black and white.

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