Sunday, June 10, 2012

Use the force Luke - Obi Wan Kenobi

14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:14

This was yesterdays verse but I just didn't want to blog about it (I was depressed). Even though I really had some thoughts. I was reminded of the trench in Star Wars episode iv. The only way to shoot the torpedoes in the exhaust pipes of the death-star was through the trench. What was even more interesting after some research, I found the reason the trench was the only way was because of the tractor beam above it. The tractor beam couldn't get in there. Yet if you got into the trench, and were about to fire at your main target, you had to slow down and be still to get that shot, which made you a completely open target. It then hit me about how similar the narrow road in my christian life with God and the open trench were. When I've chosen to get out of the trench and just fire on the death star my own way, I get attacked like crazy and usually don't care and just let it hit me. When I choose the trench, I have to do as Luke did and really trust in God. Vader could sense that the force was strong with Luke. Its crazy of how under attack I feel at times, its because the enemy can sense how valuable I am to God, yet he feeds me lies to think otherwise. Once Luke got into the trench, he had a different battle going on, it was spiritual. When I entered the narrow road when I got saved, it was anything but easy. Sure most days were free, but then things trapped me due to insecurity. Just like Luke attempted to use his finder to focus on the target at the end and Obi wan told him to use the force. I have to trust God with wherever and whatever he calls me to do. Sure I can go according to what I did before and remain consistent, I can troubleshoot my way through anything. But when I'm on the narrow road, I have to trust God. I don't always do that, I take my finder out instead and up getting shot down. Hits me, the narrow road is ugly, and I'll always be under attack and just as Han Solo began to believe in the force and distracted Vader so Luke could fire the torpedo, is how God uses people in my own life to help me focus on him. Only a few find Him. I have to trust in Him, just like Luke used the force. My Death-star can change from day to day but the trench is only way I can see true freedom and not in the open air.

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