Monday, August 20, 2012

Credible Networking

We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift [the money that had been given for the Christians in Jerusalem]. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.
One of the money verses. Ive always wondered what its like when a missionary writes a letter to friends requesting what they call a "gift","donation". Then when they get the amount they need, how they spend it. I always assume, they have all accounting accurate and organized. I would be nervous, I would be thinking, oh crap, I got the money in, is this really what God wants me to do? or did I just make a mistake? It was a good Thrive weekend, when you go to a mens retreat, you never know what to expect. Some weekends I'm praying for the men, this weekend, God was really speaking to me about my past. I got a lot of questions answered. Sipping alot of coffee this morning, I read and think.
I live in a day and age of service. With the social networks booming, there is a new way of marketing, its called credibility, no more direct sales pitch. The days are gone of advertising about what you do. From my questions and answers, its all about credibility and honesty. If I'm not? I will be exposed and quickly. It's no different than simple acts of kindness, sharing photos of a shoot, to giving tips away of my industry. Give things away for free, with no intention of making a profit, but in making yourself credible. I'm reminded of Tucker, the car manufacturer who had a great idea, but no prototype. He thought simply, I'll just put a picture of what my idea is in a magazine and then sell it. It doesn't work that way, uh you need to a working prototype and then show it. Not the other way around. He was able to make a prototype but in the long run, it was a mistake. I'm amazed of how God's hand is not just in my personal life but in my business life as well. God is very business savvy. I never thought about it, but everything wraps around Him. He is all about being glorified, and the second I turn things around and make them about me, sure he'll let it happen but He'll show me what where he's not. A business has to step out in faith at times and donate services, just as an individual or family feels called to do reach out to a foreign community. It might be my donated money, time, or resources, either way God's hand is in it. Then its the temptation during it at times, that I'm wasting my time. I look back alot at the video work I've donated over the years, and I see one thing, experience. I have established credibility with people without knowing it. That's the society I'm in. Giving servies, advice, thoughts, ideas. Hits me, God is credible, He's my example, whether he's hinting to me to donate, give, or receive, I need to remember that He provides and always will. He also gives me wisdom on when to say no. Just as he provides for everyone else he provides for me, the way he does it, I question a lot, but he knows what he's doing. I can have fear of what man thinks, but God knows what he's doing, sometimes it will be me accepting a donation and other times its me donating, either way it's His deal not mine.

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