Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Frisco Kid

But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
At first I'm thinking............I'm not sure what to think. I had to go back to the beginning of the chapter to realize this was about idol worship. Talk about walking into  the middle of a conversation. I'm amazed of how many things that I do, can cause another brother or sister to stumble. It's crazy, I'm also reminded of how I can be influenced to bend my beliefs out of fear. I'm reminded of the Frisco Kid with Harrison Ford and Gene Widler. I had it on while working last night. Wilder plays a jewish Rabbi sent from Poland in the 1850's to San Francisco to lead a synogogue and marry his bride. The Rabbi is really innocent and gets taken advantage of many times where he loses everything he has. Harrison Ford comes in as a train robber. Recognizing the Rabbi's innocence, guides him to San Francisco. The Rabbi isn't used to the ways of America and how radical the cowboy lives. He focus's on his Tora and his beliefs. Along there journey the Rabbi doesn't bend in his beliefs even though the cowboy does. I read and think, how many times have I been with either believers or non-believers and have bent my faith or caused them too? If i bring out a beer to drink or if someone shows me a competitors video, I get jealous and envious. They were only trying to share with me something I have interest in. Little did they know, it doesn't help. I appease them and say "wow, thanks". Give me a referal next time. Or its like when you put a movie on for friends and some are offended by it, try shutting off the movie. By the time the Rabbi got to San Francisco and met his bride, he was almost done with his identity due to having to kill a thief. He wanted to be a cowboy, but the cowboy kept telling him, he was a rabbi. The cowboy was influenced by him, the rabbi didn't realize it. Without knowing it, the Rabbi had told the cowboy that his lifestyle as a bank robber and thief weren't necessary and he could be a God fearing  man, he had become his best friend. Sure I get messed up at times, i do things that make other believers sin and I don't realize it. It's God living in me, and me letting him work through me, to prove to them that who they go to for guidience is critical and as long as I keep to my belief's and are sensitive to their struggles they will in time see that only God matters.

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