Monday, February 6, 2012

My Superman cape

“Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.” Proverbs 21:21 NLT

Kind of sounds like an army slogan. It also sounds like something superman would say. Only woke up once last night, still need coffee but didn't realize i was almost out this morning. I read and think, when was the last time I pursued righteousness? What is righteousness? Being Right? doing good? up to who's standards? and wh o are they to tell me what I should and shouldn't do.Yet when I have been nice to someone, I find life, when I don't get upset but keep my cool I feel good and honorful. I'm reminded of a friend back in the day, told me that you earn respect its not asked for or given, its earned. I always like movies where the underdog reveals a hidden talent that only the audience was aware of. I always love to learn about someones talents and when the time comes, connect with them and see what they can do. When I was in 2nd grade, I wanted to be superman, the christopher reeve movies were out and man, Superman was the man, (and then it was He-man, the Karate Kid, Indiana Jones, etc). My friends next door's mom made them superman capes and also gave me one for my birthday. I loved that cape, don't know where it went but I wish I fly. I wish I had the super powers. I had such an imagination, lol, still do. As I grew older the superhero's never left my system, my favorite still remaining superman. I had an insecurity though of learning. School was harder for me and so I spent most my time on videos and learning what I could with that, and just trying to get by. The deadlines in school were just too soon. I just couldn't keep up. And if it didn't apply to me at the time and didn't come easy, I gave no effort.But I had a love for movies and video, because I saw so much potential in them. I also liked to run, I liked to run long distance and fast (I even had a tape entitled "fast tape") At camp one year, I was in a biathalon (swimming and running). I can't swim, I mean, don't tell me to swim 12 laps, it won't happen. Well, I did my best and got out of the pool last, everyone was looking at me like I lost in pity. They had no idea what I had hidden. I had my Petra taped cued up to "fired up", shoes ready, and saved all my energy for the one mile I had yet to run. As soon as I got out of the pool, I was in gear and in my element. I couldn't beat the lead runner James Rhubic, but I came in second, I felt like Eric Littel. Hits me, my superman cape was my security, it brought me into my element of power and control and identity when I was 8 or 9. God used it to allow me to be who He made me in his element. Since then He's used other things to draw me to Him, to help me pursue Him, and experience His unfailing love. And in that only, have I ever found life, righteousness, and honor. Seriously, I can't do this life myself.

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