Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Perfect Storm

“God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power. “He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down.” Job 37:5-6 NLT

Man am I tired. Why am I not in bed. I finally got this video ready to for music composition last night and emailed final clips for approval, and then went to bed only to get woken up 20 min later for cereal. These scriptures have really showed me that God is very different than I am. Sip lots of coffee this morning. When I'm first reading this, I'm thinking what a contrast. Whenever I watch the whether report, I hear "beautiful today" or the results of a storm. Living in the desert we never get rain, but when it rains, it pours. We have to drive to see the snow, as far I know, it only exists on tv and movies. Then I'm reminded of how much I love to watch movies in surround sound and the wow of the moment. We do it all the time at work, lights, sound everthing. I see it on facebook all the time, my friends take pictures of the weather. It's something I can't create. I'm amazed how much God used the weather in the bible. All we can do is plan for the weather to get what we call bad or plan on going on vacation where we know the weather will be nice. Then I examine the weather in my life, how many times have I created a hurricane in my marriage, or beautiful weather for the people around me in my life. I'm reminded of The Perfect Storm with George Clooney, where the commercial fisherman are caught off guard by an intense storm, it freaks me out, that what if something bad happens today since I'm reading this. How can a storm be perfect when it destroy things? Sure I can say that God prevails but its painful, yet He wants me to be thankful in my trials. Whenever by daughter gets a cut or a scrape, I know I couldn't prevent it, but that's how she'll learn. I'm amazed of how much stuff God allows me to do, to harm myself. Only to find out that I need Him more. I'm reminded of the scene from Forrest Gump when   Dan was yelling at God at sea, then as Forrest said "he made peace with God". They came back the next morning with all the shrimp  and became millionaires, who'd a thought. I read and think. Technology will never measure up to the speed of the human mind. There's a reason why they call it a forecast, because they don't know but they have an idea. Everything has its season, God directs how everything happens regardless of how much control I want, regardless of how much of a storm I feel like I'm already in. Even though I want to imagine the greatness of his power I can't, I can think all day if I want, but I won't come close. This life is about Him, and he'll continue to show me it is, until I give up and pursue Him instead of expecting Him to  protect me from myself. Only then when I pursue Him will I find what A perfect storm it was that He allowed me to find him in.

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