Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Long Distance Relationship

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NLT

I remember this one, but i never read it until today. I'm kind of disappointed that people are moving on from Christmas. Ya the day and the presents are over but the shepherds and wise men were pumped just knowing the messiah had been born. Its like winning the lottery, you win one day and then forget about it? I slept ok, still waiting for coffee to be done this morning. Coffee is done finally, I'm tired. Sip some coffee, I read and think. Huh? but its more of a, Wow! Jesus seems to have struck a core here, how did he know that when I'm weary and carry heavy burdens, I can't sleep? I sometimes can, but usually if somethings bothering me, really bothering bothering me (usually a conflict with a someone) I can't sleep. I usually can blow things off farely quickly and don't even care but sometimes when its internal and really deep, I can't sleep, I can't think, I can't but talk about it, it almost stalls my whole day. I read and think, I'm reminded of a friendship I once had many years ago. I was convinced, no, (obsessed) with for many years with a girl. My youth pastor at the time and I met weekly about things. This girl was long distance (as most of my relationships were). I was obsessing over this girl for probably 3 years and had no idea the stress and energy it was taking from me. I had believed she was it. But too many obvious indications were evidence she wasn't, and i refused to believe them. My youth pastor eventually told me during one of our meetings that he really believed this would never happen and that i needed to give her up. I really believed him all the sudden, and began to cry, but then I all the sudden became real tired. I had no idea how weary I was and much of a heavy burden this friendship was. She didn't like me, and I refused to face that. Hits me, how many times have I been weary and not even know it? felt trapped and didn't call for help, have a heavy burden and the weight i've become immune to without even knowing it? After that meeting with my youth pastor, I really had given her up, and face the fact this was not going to happen, even though I felt it wouldn't and wasn't. Jesus is jealous and wants all of me, He wants to be the main focus, it may take years to let go, but He just wanted me to come to him, He came to this earth as a baby, grew up, and lived in this place (so I can't say He can't relate with me). I had to continue to give her up until it was done, it wasn't over night, but something I had to trust Him with. It wasn't easy. Looking back, I can't believe how immature I was about it. Sure, I was godly and knew the word, some how that made me think, I knew everything about relationships. Yet the one relationship I was letting drift away and let become long distance was calling me to Him the whole time.

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