Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bueller, Bueller - Ferris Bueller's day off

“For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”” John 4:24 NLT

Seems so simple, yet so complicated. Hopefully Shayne kept her fever down all night without meds. We always get scared with her condition when she gets a fever but usually we can stay ahead of it. Sip some coffee, I read and think. Last night during date night, I told Susan that if someone were to ask me, what videos were really who I am and how I think. I'd name 3. Westin Employee Highlights, Sheraton Spring Employee opener, and Lake Powell 2006. Only 3? These 3 videos, really show me worshipping God in the talents he gave me, all very secular videos. But you see how I see people and how I feel about life. Eric Littel from Chariots of Fire had the same experience when he ran, He was worshiping in spirit and in truth. I'm reminded of Ferris Bueller, and how he didn't let anything stop him from taking a day off, He felt free and wasn't going to let what life was all about escape without him. All you heard was his teacher say "Bueller, Bueller" because he was never there, he saw more to life and didn't want to miss it and everyone backed him up. And then theirs what I thought worship was.......singing, sure it's an element but I get way too distracted and prideful about what people think and how good I sound, and when do I raise my hands and all the @$#^%$& (at least for me). I find I have to really focus on the words, which I don't. I read and think, worshipping God in the way he designed me is what he wants, its me letting go of my insecurities and letting Him show me what truly is real. God is alive and wants to live in me and shine through me, it's me who doesn't believe thats true, because usually I expect it when I want it and in my time, not in His. Hits me, God does things in his way, and in his timing, he'll listen to me, and gives me opportunities to trust him, but its all Him, regardless of how insecure I am in the moment, how bad I communicate, how bad I come across. He gets me, especially when I feel He doesn't.

below is one of the videos thats me.

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