Wednesday, January 18, 2012

That's the cup of a carpenter - Indiana Jones

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

Oh yes, the temptation verse. This hits close to home, but doesn't it to everyone? I'm not too bad this morning but I will still have my coffee. I read and think, God does show me a way out of temptation. For us guys, its visual usually. But there are many time's when its totally not at all. It's my ego and wanting to prove that I'm right or show how good I am. At work its very tempting to think I'm the man when I'm on camera, and then i totally screw up when the guy gets out of frame. Or this competitive thing I used to get into at church, with the guys "who knows more". I don't know why, all the sudden you're dealing with your christian brothers and I couldn't accept that they knew more than me about audio, we'd fight and argue and meanwhile the worship leader is trying to rehearse. It's like these two battles, good and evil vs. dumb and dumber. I was so passionate about knowing stuff, but the vibe I sent was read wrong, again.  I just couldn't accept that these guys had studied and understood things I had yet to learn. Now over 20 years later, I mentor younger guys in audio visual and really push to validate them. I think of George Bailey in its a wonderful life, being tempted by Mr. Potter to partner with him. He offered all kinds of things, and George almost fell for it, but didn't. I can't count the many morons who have tried to get me into get rich quick schemes, I might be nice but I'm not stupid. I'm amazed of what temptation does to me, it's like I have an open window to get out. I'm reminded of the Holy Grail scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when the knight says "but choose wisely, for the holy grail will give you life, and the false one will take it from you." I'm amazed that Indiana didn't worry, He took his instinct didn't panic even though his dad was dying, He used his training and years of experience in archaeology and found what would have been in that bag "that's the cup of a carpenter". I recall many times that he has showed me a way out and I took it, then I recall the many times i didn't. Temptation has destroyed lives, yet without it I wouldn't be who I am today. I often have wished that the enemy was off a bit, that how he tempted me just wasn't correct. It's made me think of the consequences. I can't but think of Lord of the Rings, and all the temptation for power in the ring. That stupid ring, so many men craved it, would kill for it. It took a fellowship of men to get rid of it, and risk there lives to free so many others. I'm amazed of this, of God's desire for me to draw closer to Him, He won't give up. He giving opportunities every day, every minute of every day for the enemy to tempt me to draw me closer to Him (how contrasting, using the enemy to draw me to Him). Ya, lets use the competition to get more money in, Huh? He uses the one thing I hate as an opportunity to get close to Him. Then He does it again, and again, and again. Enough already! In those moments He wants me to do things I don't like to do. Like, ask for help from my friends, confess, admit if I don't know something, humble myself. Seems so simple, yet it takes me hours or days, weeks, years. God never designed me to be in this battle myself, although the enemy likes to make me think I am. Hits me, God is faithful (even though it doesn't seem like it at times) He is. He always shows me a way of escape and a lot of times I don't take it because I don't trust its right or will work. Those times when I do, I feel victorious and can think straight and say in my own way "thats the cup of a carpenter" instead of "wow, look at all those cups". That way I can get new life instead of have it taken from me.

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