Sunday, January 8, 2012

God vs. Video

“Do what is good and run from evil so that you may live! Then the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies will be your helper, just as you have claimed. Hate evil and love what is good; turn your courts into true halls of justice. Perhaps even yet the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies will have mercy on the remnant of his people.” Amos 5:14-15NLT

It's another one of these verses. It just seems like God hasn't stopped working on me ever just like he never stopped with anyone back then. He told how many prophets pretty much the same thing. I'm tired this morning, long night of work again, but nothing like two nights ago. Second cup of coffee, I read and think.  This morning I was thinking again about video production in church, and this verse just hit me about how I've changed yet am in my habitual ways. I recall 10 years ago when I started doing video production at my church and cool and new everything was, good editing software, fun ideas, it was really cool. Now 10 years later, its a different ball park. It's like when email came out, then facebook came out. Everything was fun, now what's next? After reading verses like this from so many different prophets, I'm thinking, God must be irritated with his people. He tells us what to do, but we get it backwards and upside down. What is evil, and what is good? My good at work at times is much different than another workers good. I read these scriptures everyday and don't even realize God doesn't change and is an example to follow, yet He changes me. I'm in a visually changing media world and there are a ton of things competing for my attention on a daily basis. These competing things could be looked at as distractions from God, tools that God is wanting to use to communicate Him? I can't but see opportunity through these so called distractions, just as a business owner see's potential in a competitor. This world is changing, God doesn't change yet as I pursue Him, he's changing me. The bible seems old fashioned, stuck in its ways, but I have to remember that God isn't. Sure He has His laws for me to strive to obey. Yet he is not confused like I am with life. He's way ahead of me in everything. If I get blindsided by who knows what, He doesn't, He planned it, to draw me closer to Him. Sure when a church goes video, its competitive these days (with television), and God's still in it, just as he's in everything I do. I can't control God's hand, he wants to control mine. He's got my life laid out regardless of how off centered I get. It's crazy when I have a brain fart and I can't think, and wonder why I am the way I am, that's just when God is saying, now let me show you who I am. It's not God vs. Video Production, it's Video production through God's eyes. It can add to a congregation just as anything else can, or distract, it's a tool and an art, to communicate a visual message to these multiple generations of people who love the same God. No I can't flip the channel while its being shown, and I don't have to watch it online, I can say "oh another video". That's exactly why God wants to change me, to see Him regardless how I feel, just like His word. God is alive and ahead of me, this video stuff is nothing for Him, He knows exactly what He is doing, who he wants to reach and the language they speak.  He knows what's ahead and what's needed, I just need to strive to follow His lead regardless of how mad, confused and frustrated, and out of place I feel.

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