Thursday, August 11, 2011

This is my stuff, leave it alone!

“I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches.” Psalm 119:14NLT

At first I'm thinking, well he can say this because he's stinkin King David.  Still not sleeping, so a lot of coffee this morning, more coffee, can't wait for a surprise nap sometime. I've lost count of how many times I've not rejoiced or been thankful to God unless my own life was doing well.  Or  I would rejoice but not mean it. I read and I read, think and think this through, hits me. Regardless of how tired I am, how much sleep I wish I had,  how many dvds I own, stuff I've collected, skills I've developed, memories I've saved, things that I claim, make me who I am.  But, The more I spend time with him, the more He'll reveal to me His provisions and how to use them for His glory and I'll continue to rejoice in Him.

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