Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I may be slow, but I am ahead of you

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NLT

At first I'm thinking, wait patiently for what? This could mean anything, I just don't understand God at times and I think He knows it. Long night at work last night, so I'm tired today, I'll get a better nap this afternoon. Sip some coffee,  I read and think, I find myself taking my christian glasses off and read this the way God wants me to see it. I don't like waiting especially for slow people ahead of me, namely at work, I don't like slow people in the buffet line, what takes them sow long, just plop the food on your plate and go. Or in the grocery store when they just stop in the middle of aisle looking. They always have to going to the place I want to go to. Murphy's law. I'm reminded again of George Bailey yelling at Mr. Potter "Wait? wait for what".  In these hard times, it's like a science when to buy and when to wait, you don't want to lose out. I read and I think, I read and I think. I'm reminded of a track shirt I had on Jr. High, it had the phrase "I may be slow, but I am ahead of you" funny.  Hits me, when we were in the hospital this summer the nurse told us "hurry up and wait" oh really? I want my daughters numbers to come back up, we want to get a house and take frequent vacations, my wife wants to be a stay at home mom, I need a new computer, we miss going to church because of my daughters condition. I need my big break in video somewhere so that she can stay home, yet I'm turning away work so I can have more family time, lol. WAIT FOR WHAT! Then I find myself when I am waiting thinking of things that I can do. It's those moments where I can be productive or I'm anxious becuase I need to get out of here. Depending on what it is, I can stress about whats to come or be brave and ask people for help for that. It's tough being brave and courageous, usually you find out at the end when you don't have to be patient anymore. And all along when it feels like I was alone in all of this I find that God was ahead of me the whole time preparing me for whats to come next.

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