Friday, October 28, 2011

Ogres are like onions, they have layers - Shrek

“As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. But the word of the Lord remains forever.”And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.” 1 Peter 1:24-25 NLT

At first I'm thinking, Huh? Have I read this one before? I'm not sure. I begin thinking of Shrek saying "ogres are like onions, they have layers."I'm tired, late night again, but good coffee this morning. I was too tired yesterday to finish the blog so I just saved it. Just enjoying this moment of peace this morning before the family wakes up, Sip some coffee. I read and think, I read and think. I keep on thinking of how old I am getting, I am sensing the need to consistently work out. I watch the energy my daughter has, how full of life she is, and I think of how I want to enjoy as much of that as I can. I also think of how many people idolize each other. Paparazzi, how they make following celebrieties a business. Yet as we age, we learn so much, I'm reminded of Obi-Wan Kenobi when he told Darth Vader, "if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine". I think of Edmond Dantes in the Count of Monte Cristo, how the older he got the smarter he became. I think of Inigo Montoya studying fencing all his life to avenge his dad. I think of how many things I have that were new but aren't anymore. I think of that fact that I have to replace my computers in 3 years (oh wait, its been three years). I read and think, I don't like it when I read the word of God stands forever, I wish other things I like stood forever. I thought once, a while ago that the word of God would get old one day and be a thing of the past. Prayer would too. When I was younger, I always thought, there would be an award ceremony for the old people that had been so faithful and consistent in going to church. I pictured one of the older men saying "this woman prayed and sang with a great attitude every Sunday of her life, here's your trophy, applause!" Never happened. I recall a show I did last year, where a keynote speaker talked about generations. He spoke of the baby boomers and they were all about there accomplishments, he said "a young 30 year old walked into a 55 year olds office and said, wow look at all those plaques on the wall and aknowledgements! so what have you done the past 6 months? What? that is 25 years of work, no what you done the past 6 months?" I read and think, Hits me. I'm not book smart, but, I am people smart, I can read people. "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me." Stuart Smalley. That Shrek line comes to me again "oger have layers". God's word seems old fashioned and not the way the world wants to move at times. It is the way that God wants me to move. He'll have to take layer after layer off of me until He gets to the core that He wants to have, and regardless whether I like it or not, He'll show me that his word stands forever.

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