Sunday, October 9, 2011

Shut it down, do it quickly, don't destroy it. - Mr. Incredible

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.” Deuteronomy 13:4 NLT

Sip some coffee, tired. I can't recall how many times I've read these types of verses, one too many. Ya, Ya , sure. I got it. I feel like Mr. Incredible when he was given instructions to kill the Omnidroid 9000 Mirage: I've got to warn you. It's a learning robot. Every minute you spend fighting it only increases its knowledge of how to beat you. Mr. Incredible: Shut it down, do it quickly, don't destroy it. It also reminds me of when I was in cross country in High School and got lost during a race, and ended up running the opposite direction, even though we had run the track, I still got lost in the desert. Didn't sleep well, but I have to admit it's finally nice in Arizona, it feels great! Sip some coffee, I read and think, I read and think.  I'm reminded of a moment in Tree climbers when were being shown how to use a utility knife, and sure enough I didn't listen and cut myself. Then of course in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, there's Donovan "Remember, don't trust anyone". How many times has God indicated to me, serve only me, obey me, listen to me, don't slack off. I find myself getting lazy at times and then I fall flat on my face. I love it when I feel I can be a Mr. Incredible and fulfill a mission that totally matches my skills and talents, then I feel I'm Serving. Sip some coffee, I read and think, I read and think, I'm reminded of Eric Liddel in Chariots of fire: I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure. Hits me, I get so distracted with everything I do, I used to feel that I could only do certain things and that was considered serving. Or I've done things, thinking I was serving God. Sure I felt needed and loved doing other things, but God wasn't in them, he didn't want me doing them even though I was able. When I'm actually following His lead, obeying, listening when I should be, and find perfect peace when I cling to Him, and I feel I'm serving Him and not fulfilling a void I have. Church can be a little element, I don't have to be a superhero with special skills, it can be saying hi to an old friend you've run into at the store, in our case living in this retirement community, our daughter is just what these grandmas need.  I don't realize how I'm serving Him, but I am I think. Mr. Incredible just wanted to be needed, he missed the glory days, and they trapped him, it was his family that brought him back to reality of what really mattered and they all discovered what they were for and how it wasn't bad to show there true identity.

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