Monday, September 26, 2011

Mean People Suck

“For we know the one who said,“I will take revenge. I will pay them back.”He also said,“The Lord will judge his own people.” It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:30-31 NLT

I almost thought this was the original vengeance verse, but its not. I slept better, not the best, but better last night. This is the final week of September and the final week to empty the apartment, so all hands on deck, I need to sell everything I can.  Please Craig's list people show up when you promise to come and get my stuff! I recall many moments of elementary school, and church times, where I was beyond angry with people. I just wanted to get back and have vengeance. Mean people suck! Even towards my family members at times.  I'm amazed of how fast the anger and bitterness rose to the surface. I read and think, I read and think. I thought sure God says He'll judge his own people, but I can do a much better job. I find how miserable and hurt I was just wanting vengeance.  The Patriot, Braveheart, Gladiator, and Princess Bride come to mind, how vengeance just drove them. I read and think, I read and think, hits me. Sure I can get angry, I can get bitter, I can get ferried and raged to a point I don't eat, I don't sleep, this anger is my energy, I don't need coffee because my anger is keeping me awake. Then I think of the flood, I think of the plagues, I think of sodom and gamora, I think of all the times people fell into the  hands of a living God. Hits me again, I'm backwards again.  My anger is just what they want, not my humility. If I give them to God (are you crazy), let God do his thing, I feel free.  It's very challenging because for some reason I think my way will be better when I'm only making things worse for myself. It's the craziest thing I will ever do, give my enemies to God and let Him direct there path's.

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